March 12 - 14, PrinceWell Hotel, California
March 12 - 14, PrinceWell Hotel, California
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Attendees will rotate between tables in timed sessions, engaging in 1-on-1 discussions with a diverse group of industry leaders & influencers.
Gene Andrews - Film & Music Producer | Jeff Robinson - Music Manager/Producer MBK Entertainment | Tina Rodriguez - Sr. Director, Content Strategy Acquisition - UP Entertainment/Aspire TV | Wayne Overstreet - Producer, Distribution Executive || Bobby Yan - Director/Producer | Def Jef - Music Supervisor Producer | Dolapo Erinkitola - Producer/Investor | Tabari Sturdivant - Producer/Director | Nina Packer - Non Profit Consultant/ Educator/Producer | Moderator - Mike Anderson
CHANTEL ROSS FRANCOIS - President of the East Point Convention & Visitors Bureau
MELANIE STYLES - CEO of Cultured South
SHAWN BUCHANAN - East Point Chief of Police
RANDY DAVIDSON - Founder & CEO of Georgia Entertainment
Moderated By: MACEO ROGERS - Economic Development Director of East Point, GA